Monday, February 25, 2013

Catching up and Outcome of IVF ICSI Cycle 3

I'm so sorrry its been so long! Almost 6 months exactly.
I have been making regular videos for my YouTube channel to keep those interested updated but I have been incredibly slack with my blogging and want to get back into again.
Incase you don't follow my YouTube or Twitter and are not up to date here was my announcement of the outcome of my 3rd IVF ICSI cycle:

But how many babies?:

YES! I am delightedly, deliriously, dementedly pleased to say I am currently 23 weeks and 5 days pregnant with twins!!!
I'll just use this partiucular post to bring you up to speed and then my next post I will go into details of the entire cycle and pregnancy to date using the unedited notes I have kept along the way.
Here is the video where I announced our babies genders at 18 weeks:

If you want to catch on my (almost) weekly pregnancy update videos on my channel you will find them here.
In the meantime thank you for bearing with me. I have been slack but until a few weeks ago I was vommitting 24/7, had chest infection after chest infection and have just moved house.
Feeling incredibly more human now and a bit more organised I will endevour to post much more regularly including a weekly pregnancy update.
Thank you for reading


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