Watch my 28 - 30 Week Pregnancy Vlog here!
I wish I had been updating on here sooner but if you wish to see updates prior to 24 weeks I have been uploading almost weekly updates in my YouTube Channel from 6 weeks to date.
How far along? 30 weeks
30 weeks 1 day |
Total weight gain/measurements: I don't have any scales at home so haven't weighed myself since my last update but when I do I will be sure to update on here.
30 weeks 1 day |
Measurements: I don't know what my waist measurement was pre pregnancy and I am kicking myself for not measuring from the beginning but here is what I have:
17 weeks 5 days: 38.2 inches
20 weeks: 39 inches
21 weeks: 40 inches
24 weeks: 41 inches
25 weeks: 41.5 inches
26 weeks: 40.5 inches
27 weeks: 41 inches
30 weeks: 42 inches
Maternity clothes: I bought 2 pairs of black maternity leggins from New Look. Think they we £14 for a 2 pack.
If you like seeing Maternity Outfits I do post OOTD pics most days on my Instagram which is Chelenic.
Stretch marks: Still none! Have been slathering in Sanctuary Oil, L'Occitane Amande Huile Souplesse, Burts Bees Tummy Butter and my coconut oil.
Sleep: this is soooooooo bad! with my inflamed ribs I just cannot get comfy no matter how many pillows I prop myself up and pad myself out with. Then when I'm close to sleep i need to get up and pee. I also have PGP/SPD now too which makes sleeping even worse. Any tips would be most appreciated!
Best moment this week: Well, since my last post at 28 weeks..... I had my last day in the
My lovely Pink Lining Twin bag |
My last day in the office was fab. I walked in and my friend Kim had put balloons all around my desk and colleagues had a whip round and bought me some beautiful gifts (you can see them in my last east video update). A wonderfully scrumptious smelling L'0ccitane gift set, a very generous Next gift card and a blinkin stunning twin Pink Lining Changing bag. I was so blown away. I have been lusting after this bag for some time and was so thrilled to have received it as a gift. I will have a review of the bag in my YouTube channel as soon as possible.
Anything else to report this week? I was back in the Maternity Day Assessment Unit last friday (29 weeks 2 days). I had been feeling really bad again for days with the dizziness, breathlessness, vommiting, rib pain and also pelvic pain. The first thing they did was put me on the monitor to monitor babies heartbeats which were fab so very relieved there. my blood pressure had dropped to 80/40 which I was told is very low.
When I was on the monitor too they could see I was having Braxton Hicks which was good to know as I have been felling a bit crampy too so I was relieved it was that.
I have been referred to physio for Pelvic Girdle Pain and for my painful ribs so I hope that will help. Still on the iron tablets.
Miss anything? Nope, we would trade anything for this!
Movement: the movement feels a bit different now. It definitely feels stronger. Sometimes it doesn't feel like a kick more like they are moving its amazing. I can see my tummy moving a lot now too which is so amazing.
Food cravings: I'm still crazy for orange juice, especially the Copella one, it tastes amazingly fresh. Also I can't eat normal size portions, maybe because my tummy is already full but I never really feel hunger anymore so just have to eat regularly. I want sweet things more than I used to too.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I am being sick again but it's kind of sporadic, I can't really pinpoint it on anything in particular. I am getting very bad acid at night which Gaviscon doesn't help, I think it's the acid that makes me vomit so badly at night.
Labour signs: Nope and I'd like it to stay that way for many weeks yet!
Big tummy
Babies using my bladder as a trampoline even more right now
Need to pee all the time at the moment, even if I have just been
Heartburn is so bad
Much much more Breathless and dizziness
Tired through lack of sleep
Pelvic Girdle Pain
Rib pain
Braxton Hicks
Belly button in or out? Sometimes looks like its about to pop out but it's just about still an innie
Wedding rings on or off? Off :0(
Happy or moody most of the time: Ecstatically, deliriously and insanely happy. I'm still getting frustrated when I can't do things I need to do but the most important thing is that our babies are ok so I need to learn to take it easy.
Looking forward to: Being on leave and having all my time to concentrate on getting ready for the babies. Nursery is almost finished, just a few final decisions to make and a few bits to order. We also have our bump photoshoot next Friday so I'm excited for that.
Thank you so much for reading
Hi, it's me again, Chele! :) Last time you replied about having 3 IVF cycles and 1 miscarriage. Sorry, I didn't know about that event. :( On another note, how's your pregnancy doing now? And when are you due? I sincerely wanna know. :) I can see here that you're already summing up everything. By the way, some women nearing their due normally feel pain when people rub their belly. Does that happen to you? -->Chelsea