Thursday, March 21, 2013

27 Weeks Twin Pregnancy Update

Watch my 27 Week Pregnancy Vlog here!

I wish I had been updating on here sooner but if you wish to see updates prior to 24 weeks I have been uploading almost weekly updates in my YouTube Channel from 6 weeks to date.

How far along? 27 weeks
26 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/measurements: I don't have any scales at home so haven't weighed myself since my last update but when I do I will be sure to update on here.

Measurements: I don't know what my waist measurement was pre pregnancy and I am kicking myself for not measuring from the beginning but here is what I have:
26 weeks 1 day
17 weeks 5 days: 38.2 inches
20 weeks: 39 inches
21 weeks: 40 inches
24 weeks: 41 inches
25 weeks: 41.5 inches
26 weeks: 40.5 inches
27 weeks: 41 inches

Maternity clothes: again, I haven't light anything new this week and I'm still in my Sainsburys Leggings I mentioned last week. I wonder how long I an just stick with these for.
If you like seeing Maternity Outfits I do post OOTD pics most days on my Instagram which is Chelenic. 

Stretch marks: Still none! Still slapping on the Bio Oil and Burts Bees tummy butter this week. My raw, organic coconut oil arrived so i'm excited to try that! I'll let you how I like it. 

Sleep: this isnt getting any better. with my inflamed ribs I just cannot get comfy no matter how many pillows I prop myself up and pad myself out with. Then when I'm close to sleep i need to get up and pee. Any tips would be most appreciated!

Best moment this week: Our 2nd attempt at our 4D scan at 26 + 1.
We managed to see our girl a bit better thank our first attempt but our boys foot was in the way. This meant that the pictures of our girl were still not as clear as those of our boy but we did get to see a bit better.
Our beautiful girl
Our gorgeous boy
It's funny, I feel like I know their personalities already. I feel like our girl is calm and serene (not like her mummy!) and our boy is a cheeky little fellow with a naughty smile, he's a bit more boisterous in my tummy too.  We'll see if I'm right! 

Cheeky boy smiling!
Anything else to report this week? I am being sick again this week. Not every day but about 4 times this week. Also my pelvis gets a bit achey and sometimes I feel like I need to hold up my bump!
Oh yeah and I sneezed and peed myself the other night again! (when you need to go just go, don't hold it. When will I learn?)

Miss anything? Nope, we would trade anything for this!

Movement: the movement feels a bit different now. It definitely feels stronger. Sometimes it doesn't feel like a kick more like they are moving around.its amazing. They seem. Ire active when I get into bed but perhaps that because I am laying down.

Food cravings: I'm still crazy for orange juice, especially the Copella one, it tastes amazingly fresh. Also I'm finding that however hungry I feel I can't eat normal size portions, maybe because my tummy is already full.

Anything making you queasy or sick? I am being sick again but it's kind of sporadic, I can't really pinpoint it on anything in particular.

Labour signs: Nope and I'd like it to stay that way for many weeks yet!

Big tummy
Babies using my bladder as a trampoline even more right now
Need to pee all the time at the moment, even if I have just been 
Much much more Breathless and dizziness
Tired through lack of sleep

Belly button in or out? Somehow it's still in! 

Wedding rings on or off? Off :0( I'm to worried they will get stuck

Happy or moody most of the time: Ecstatically, deliriously and insanely happy. I'm still getting frustrated when I can't do things I need to do but the most important thing is that our babies are ok so I need to learn to take it easy.

Looking forward to: Andy finished the main painting in the nursery last Sunday and almost finished refurbing the changer we bought. I just need to add a few touches to the walls and the changer so I'm hoping they turn out well.

I have mostly used the questions from Samantha Schuerman when she was doing her pregnancy updates and also from Anna over at The Style Diet. Thanks ladies, I always enjoyed reading your updates!

Thank you so much for reading




  1. Love your blog. Only found it this morning. I'm just starting my second IVF journey to have a little brother or sister for my toddler. You look amazing :)x

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