Thursday, February 19, 2015

SoupaDoupa or Healthy "Tomato" Soup

Me again, eek I'm on a roll trying to share my recipes with you..

This soup is a staple in our house because we all love it and its sooooooo easy to make. I don't even know where it came from, I've been making it for years and it just developed over time.

It's souper easy (sorrynotsorry) and can be bunged in the slow cooker or done in a big ole pan on the stove depending what else you got going on that day.

Today I made it on the stove while I was making breakfast but the last time I made it was when we had a play date so it was easier for me to bung in the slow cooker that morning, let it do its thing, hand blend it in there when cooked and then keep in the the slow cooker to keep warm.

As with most of my cooking I make a big ole batch so I have tons to freeze into individual portions to whip out of the freezer when needed.

This is sooooooo easy and so jam packed with healthful foods it makes me never want to eat a tin of tomato soup ever again. It really is that easy to make there is no excuse and the ingredients are most likely store cupboard staples so its really cheap to make.

The portions and any variants of the ingredients just depend what i can find in the fridge when I'm making it and if there is extra verge that needs to be used up that will end up in there too but what i am sharing with you is generally the basis of SoupaDoupa ( I am so corny I know).

I will share with you what I put in it today which make enough for about 5 -6 big bowls.

2 orange peppers(thats what i used today but often red, yellow too)
8 carrots ( 8 because thats what i had left in the fridge)
6 medium potatoes ( often add sweet potatoes in too but didn't have any today)
1 onion ( often make it without onion if i don't have any)
2 tins of chopped tomatoes
2 stock cubes or homemade stock (whatever you happen to have) veg or chicken, or bouillion, seriously whatever you have
Water (I start with enough to cover the ingredients while it boils)

Chop everything up, put in a pan, pour the water in
Leave it until al the ingredients have softened
Remove from the heat
Blend (with a hand blender or in a blender)
Add more water to desired consistency  (reheat if necessary)

Thats it, no really.

let me know what you think. let me know what variants you make, if you add anything else in.

Thank you for reading

Love Chele


  1. Great to see you back blogging again lovely! Love seeing your little face pop up on my Bloglovin' feed!

    I will definately giving this soup a try, looks gorgeous!


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