Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Vlog: what are you teaching my boy?!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

1 Month Twins Update and Postpartum Belly

Monday, May 13, 2013

Our 5 Year Wedding Anniversary

Beautiful garden in Mauritius where we were married 
Today is our 5th Wedding Anniversary.

I was looking back at the post I wrote on this day last year (you can read it here) and was moved to write an Anniversary post again today.

I recall last year having been up all night unable to sleep with all the thoughts running through my head. I was sitting downstairs at 5am crying and writing that blog post. 

As much as I wished, hoped and prayed for on that day last year (and every other day)  I could never have imagined that one year on things would be so different.

On this morning a year ago I was wishing that instead of my thoughts and fears keeping me awake all night, it would be our baby. How could I have known then that a year on I would be up most of the night laying next to my amazing husband and feeling our baby boy and our baby girl having a dance off in my tummy. 
Sunset Kiss

I did write back then that it wasn't always easy throughout our then 4 years of marriage due to the struggle with infertility and IVF. Perhaps I have always played that side of it down. Sometimes now I wonder did I push Andy away to some degree because it was too painful to see and feel his pain? I cant even begin to explain how it is to see this man that you love so much without that light in his beautiful eyes and to know that you cant take that pain away. It's soul destroying. We came close to breaking point many times, especially after our miscarriage 2 years ago after our first cycle. I'm proud to say we held on. 

My intention here is not to trowel through the pain but I guess to say that I am so grateful that all that pain and heartache has been worth something and so what I'm trying to covey is even in the darkest despair on this journey to just try not to give up hope. 

As much as I willed it I could never have even dreamt that I would be sitting here this morning writing this and feeling our boy trying to bust through my rib cage. (Don't worry little fella do whatever you want, I'm just glad to feel you, just ask your sister to get off my bladder if she can.)

Pre wedding Giggles
I look at my husband now and I'm glad to say that light is back . His blue eyes are sparkling again. I have watched this amazing man deal with things you should never have to deal with, all the while remaining a pillar of strength to support me. I have said it before but without this journey we have been on I may never have seen the strength this amazing man holds in his heart. What a big heart. He thinks I can't see it but before every scan I see the worry and then (thankfully) the relief on his face.

I'm so proud of how hard he works with his full time job, then studying for his Open University degree, looking after me for the past 8 months when I am vommitting (tying my hair back and bringing me water), rubbing a tennis ball over my back, brining me food and drink, putting my socks on for me, doing a lot of chores in the house so I don't have to crouch, bend, lift. The most amazing sight for me is the look in his eyes when he shows me a finished project he has done for our babies nursery. All this relentlessly and never complaining, I think just because he is so grateful that he can do it for his family.

I won't use this as a forum to complain about my dad who left when we were 4 and passed away a few years ago but I will say that I didn't have a great example of what a dad should be. I looked at my husband years ago and knew then that he would be such an amazing dad. Just this time during pregnancy has already proved me right. 

The love of my life
I know, I'm gushing. I can't help it right now. This man is my world, my heart,  my strength, my past, my future, my best friend. I know as much as anyone that  you can never be certain of the future but what I do know right now is how proud I feel when I look at my husband. The gift of him and the blessings we have in my tummy.  I am so grateful that I get to spend the rest of forever loving him and our babies and watching him being the best husband and daddy I could ever wish for. 

My promise to him  is to be the best wife and mummy that I can possibly be. 

I'm proud of what we have overcome to get here and proud that we survived it together. I know I would not have come through this journey with anyone else.

This has turned into an "ode to Andy", that's ok, this is our anniversary.

September 2012 at friends wedding. I'm a lucky girl

Oh and a year on I am sat here crying again but for all the right reasons.

Love Chele

Friday, April 12, 2013

Watch my 28 - 30 Week Pregnancy Vlog here!

I wish I had been updating on here sooner but if you wish to see updates prior to 24 weeks I have been uploading almost weekly updates in my YouTube Channel from 6 weeks to date.

How far along? 30 weeks
30 weeks 1 day

Total weight gain/measurements: I don't have any scales at home so haven't weighed myself since my last update but when I do I will be sure to update on here.
30 weeks 1 day 

Measurements: I don't know what my waist measurement was pre pregnancy and I am kicking myself for not measuring from the beginning but here is what I have:

17 weeks 5 days: 38.2 inches
20 weeks: 39 inches
21 weeks: 40 inches
24 weeks: 41 inches
25 weeks: 41.5 inches
26 weeks: 40.5 inches
27 weeks: 41 inches
30 weeks: 42 inches

Maternity clothes: I bought 2 pairs of black maternity leggins from New Look. Think they we £14 for a 2 pack.
If you like seeing Maternity Outfits I do post OOTD pics most days on my Instagram which is Chelenic.

Stretch marks: Still none! Have been slathering in Sanctuary Oil, L'Occitane Amande Huile Souplesse, Burts Bees Tummy Butter and my coconut oil.

Sleep: this is soooooooo bad! with my inflamed ribs I just cannot get comfy no matter how many pillows I prop myself up and pad myself out with. Then when I'm close to sleep i need to get up and pee. I also have PGP/SPD now too which makes sleeping even worse. Any tips would be most appreciated!

Best moment this week: Well, since my last post at 28 weeks..... I had my last day in the
My lovely Pink Lining Twin bag
office and then a further 2 weeks working from home bringing me to 30 weeks 2 days.
My last day in the office was fab. I walked in and my friend Kim had put balloons all around my desk and colleagues had a whip round and bought me some beautiful gifts (you can see them in my last east video update). A wonderfully scrumptious smelling L'0ccitane gift set, a very generous Next gift card and a blinkin stunning twin Pink Lining Changing bag. I was so blown away. I have been lusting after this bag for some time and was so thrilled to have received it as a gift. I will have a review of the bag in my YouTube channel as soon as possible.

Anything else to report this week? I was back in the Maternity Day Assessment Unit last friday (29 weeks 2 days). I had been feeling really bad again for days with the dizziness, breathlessness, vommiting, rib pain and also pelvic pain. The first thing they did was put me on the monitor to monitor babies heartbeats which were fab so very relieved there. my blood pressure had dropped to 80/40 which I was told is very low.
When I was on the monitor too they could see I was having Braxton Hicks which was good to know as I have been felling a bit crampy too so I was relieved it was that.
I have been referred to physio for Pelvic Girdle Pain and for my painful ribs so I hope that will help. Still on the iron tablets.

Miss anything? Nope, we would trade anything for this!

Movement: the movement feels a bit different now. It definitely feels stronger. Sometimes it doesn't feel like a kick more like they are moving its amazing. I can see my tummy moving a lot now too which is so amazing.

Food cravings: I'm still crazy for orange juice, especially the Copella one, it tastes amazingly fresh. Also I can't eat normal size portions, maybe because my tummy is already full but I never really feel hunger anymore so just have to eat regularly. I want sweet things more than I used to too.

Anything making you queasy or sick? I am being sick again but it's kind of sporadic, I can't really pinpoint it on anything in particular. I am getting very bad acid at night which Gaviscon doesn't help, I think it's the acid that makes me vomit so badly at night.

Labour signs: Nope and I'd like it to stay that way for many weeks yet!

Big tummy
Babies using my bladder as a trampoline even more right now
Need to pee all the time at the moment, even if I have just been
Heartburn is so bad
Much much more Breathless and dizziness
Tired through lack of sleep
Pelvic Girdle Pain
Rib pain
Braxton Hicks

Belly button in or out? Sometimes looks like its about to pop out but it's just about still an innie

Wedding rings on or off? Off :0(

Happy or moody most of the time: Ecstatically, deliriously and insanely happy. I'm still getting frustrated when I can't do things I need to do but the most important thing is that our babies are ok so I need to learn to take it easy.

Looking forward to: Being on leave and having all my time to concentrate on getting ready for the babies. Nursery is almost finished, just a few final decisions to make and a few bits to order. We also have our bump photoshoot next Friday so I'm excited for that.

Thank you so much for reading



Thursday, March 21, 2013

27 Weeks Twin Pregnancy Update

Watch my 27 Week Pregnancy Vlog here!

I wish I had been updating on here sooner but if you wish to see updates prior to 24 weeks I have been uploading almost weekly updates in my YouTube Channel from 6 weeks to date.

How far along? 27 weeks
26 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/measurements: I don't have any scales at home so haven't weighed myself since my last update but when I do I will be sure to update on here.

Measurements: I don't know what my waist measurement was pre pregnancy and I am kicking myself for not measuring from the beginning but here is what I have:
26 weeks 1 day
17 weeks 5 days: 38.2 inches
20 weeks: 39 inches
21 weeks: 40 inches
24 weeks: 41 inches
25 weeks: 41.5 inches
26 weeks: 40.5 inches
27 weeks: 41 inches

Maternity clothes: again, I haven't light anything new this week and I'm still in my Sainsburys Leggings I mentioned last week. I wonder how long I an just stick with these for.
If you like seeing Maternity Outfits I do post OOTD pics most days on my Instagram which is Chelenic. 

Stretch marks: Still none! Still slapping on the Bio Oil and Burts Bees tummy butter this week. My raw, organic coconut oil arrived so i'm excited to try that! I'll let you how I like it. 

Sleep: this isnt getting any better. with my inflamed ribs I just cannot get comfy no matter how many pillows I prop myself up and pad myself out with. Then when I'm close to sleep i need to get up and pee. Any tips would be most appreciated!

Best moment this week: Our 2nd attempt at our 4D scan at 26 + 1.
We managed to see our girl a bit better thank our first attempt but our boys foot was in the way. This meant that the pictures of our girl were still not as clear as those of our boy but we did get to see a bit better.
Our beautiful girl
Our gorgeous boy
It's funny, I feel like I know their personalities already. I feel like our girl is calm and serene (not like her mummy!) and our boy is a cheeky little fellow with a naughty smile, he's a bit more boisterous in my tummy too.  We'll see if I'm right! 

Cheeky boy smiling!
Anything else to report this week? I am being sick again this week. Not every day but about 4 times this week. Also my pelvis gets a bit achey and sometimes I feel like I need to hold up my bump!
Oh yeah and I sneezed and peed myself the other night again! (when you need to go just go, don't hold it. When will I learn?)

Miss anything? Nope, we would trade anything for this!

Movement: the movement feels a bit different now. It definitely feels stronger. Sometimes it doesn't feel like a kick more like they are moving around.its amazing. They seem. Ire active when I get into bed but perhaps that because I am laying down.

Food cravings: I'm still crazy for orange juice, especially the Copella one, it tastes amazingly fresh. Also I'm finding that however hungry I feel I can't eat normal size portions, maybe because my tummy is already full.

Anything making you queasy or sick? I am being sick again but it's kind of sporadic, I can't really pinpoint it on anything in particular.

Labour signs: Nope and I'd like it to stay that way for many weeks yet!

Big tummy
Babies using my bladder as a trampoline even more right now
Need to pee all the time at the moment, even if I have just been 
Much much more Breathless and dizziness
Tired through lack of sleep

Belly button in or out? Somehow it's still in! 

Wedding rings on or off? Off :0( I'm to worried they will get stuck

Happy or moody most of the time: Ecstatically, deliriously and insanely happy. I'm still getting frustrated when I can't do things I need to do but the most important thing is that our babies are ok so I need to learn to take it easy.

Looking forward to: Andy finished the main painting in the nursery last Sunday and almost finished refurbing the changer we bought. I just need to add a few touches to the walls and the changer so I'm hoping they turn out well.

I have mostly used the questions from Samantha Schuerman when she was doing her pregnancy updates and also from Anna over at The Style Diet. Thanks ladies, I always enjoyed reading your updates!

Thank you so much for reading



Thursday, March 14, 2013

26 weeks Twin Pregnancy Update

Watch my 26 Week Pregnancy Vlog here!

I wish I had been updating on here sooner but if you wish to see updates prior to 24 weeks I have been uploading almost weekly updates in my YouTube Channel from 6 weeks to date.

How far along? 26 weeks
25 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/measurements: I don't have any scales at home so haven't weighed myself since my last update but when I do I will be sure to update on here.

Measurements: I don't know what my waist measurement was pre pregnancy and I am kicking myself for not measuring from the beginning but here is what I have:
17 weeks 5 days: 38.2 inches
20 weeks: 39 inches
21 weeks: 40 inches
24 weeks: 41 inches
25 weeks: 41.5 inches
26 weeks: 40.5 inches!!!! WHY AM I MEASURING SMALLER????

Maternity clothes: Haven't bought anything new this week and apart from Jeans I am mostly wearing items I had pre-pregnancy despite my vast tum! The best items that have seen me through are some black leggings from Sainsburys. I think they were 2 pairs for about £14. I bought these in a size 12 (one size up) when I was about 6 weeks pregnant and they are really hight waisted so so far have managed to extend up over my bump! I don't think I will be able to wear them too much longer but i cant believe they have seen me through this far.
If you like seeing Maternity Outfits I do post OOTD pics most days on my Instagram which is Chelenic. 

Stretch marks: Still none! Still slapping on the Bio Oil and Burts Bees tummy butter this week. I have also ordered some RAW, organic coconut oil as I have heard so many fab things about it and it multi uses! I plan to put it on my bump, massage my perinium with it (sorry if tmi!), use it on the babies as moisturiser after bath and on their little bumps to prevent nappy rash. I can also use it on my nipples for breastfeeding and its antibacterial, good for if babies have thrush in their mouths or I have it on my nipples!! I'll let you know how all this goes in the future. 

Sleep: My sleeping is so bad right now. with my inflamed ribs I just cannot get comfy. Any tips would be most appreciated!

Best moment this week: This has to be receiving a beautiful Mothers Day card. It is such a thoughtful card. I the envelope propped up on my bedside table, opened it and started crying. I have honestly never been so happy or overwhelmed to receive a card before. I love how it has a picture of all of my babies on it. Just beautiful.

Anything else to report this week? It became a bit of a crazy week hence my last update going up so late. I actually wrote my update on Monday night and was very pleased with myself for being so organised. On wednesday I went to read though, make any edits and upload. My update was not there. After much annoyance, a bit of shouting and angry tweets to the owners of the app I was using I just had to give in and start again. So I was going to do this Thursday evening.
I went to work on Thursday and I thought I felt a bit not quite right when I left the house but thought it would pass.  Anyway, I got to work and as the morning wore on I was feeling much worse. I felt very dizzy and breathless. I went to the "sick room" at work and after laying down a short while I called the Midwife at my hospital. She checked my iron levels from my last blood test and my levels were low and she said she would be on her knees if her levels were that low! She told me to get home and lay down for a few hours (on my left side) and if still not feeling good to call back. 
I am about 1hr 30 mins on underground away from home and there was no way I could get on a tube alone like that so I got a cab (Andy couldn't come and get me as our car was in the garage being fixed from where I had recently scraped it oops!)
I got home, lay down and thought ok, I know its my iron levels making me like this, the babies are fine. I will get some rest and then if I still feel bad tomorrow I will go to the Pregnancy Day Assessment Unit at the hospital.
so from laying down from about 2pm Thursday afternoon until around 10am the next morning I was feeling worse if anything.
Andy took me to the hospital friday afternoon.
The first thing they did was check our babies heartbeats. Phew our babies were fine!
They took a urine sample from me....fine. The took my blood pressure...fine. The pain in my left ribs (that I have had for weeks) is apparently where the cartilage in my ribs is inflamed. They said it will be this way for rest of pregnancy and prescribed me codydramol for the pain, tho I'm not sure it does much.
Then they confirmed my iron was low and switched me from ferrous furrate tablets to ferrous sulphate which apparently is easier absorbed though can be nasty on your tummy.
relieved thats thats all it was I spent the weekend resting and the week working from home. I'm still very dizzy and breathless but I guess it may take a while for the iron to get into my system?
So all of this is why my 25 week update (last week) went up so late (25 weeks 4 days) 

Miss anything? Nope, we would trade anything for this!

Movement: lots of movement still. Especially in the evening in the bath and when I get into bed. The last few days they seem especially active around midnight. 

Food cravings: I haven't really had any cravings this week. I feel thirsty a lot and really like orange juice at the moment.

Anything making you queasy or sick? My dizziness is making me feel a bit queasy but I'm fine with food etc.

25 weeks 4 days
Gender: Boy and girl!

Labour signs: Nope and I'd like it to stay that way for many weeks yet!

Big tummy
Babies using my bladder as a trampoline even more right now
Heartburn, though not as bad as it has been
Much much more Breathless and dizziness
Tired through lack of sleep

Belly button in or out? It's still getting more and more shallow as the weeks have gone on and at the moment looks like it could pop out any minute

Wedding rings on or off? Off :0( I'm to worried they will get stuck

Happy or moody most of the time: Ecstatically, deliriously and insanely happy. I have been a bit of a mizog this week but only because I feel so bad with the dizziness, breathlessnes and rib pain. I'm having to work from home (from my bed mostly to be more precise) and its pretty isolating. Also I tend to get a bit frustrated as there is so much to do and i cant really do much at all! I know I will have the inflamed ribs for the rest of my pregnancy and that it will get worse, but I'm hoping that come tomorrow when I have been on my new iron tablets for a week there will be more improvement. Any tips on this would be most welcome too!

Looking forward to: 4d scan part deux Thursday (tomorrow), hopefully our little pink one will cooperate more and we can get more images and footage! So very excited to see our babies again! I have ordered some more baby bits and nursery items so I'm excited for them to arrive and see the nursery coming together. (Online shopping is very dangerous when you are housebound!)
I'm also looking forward to Andy and I doing my belly cast! I bought a kit from eBay and we plan to do it this weekend if possible. I will blog the process for you but I imagine it will be messy.

I have mostly used the questions from Samantha Schuerman when she was doing her pregnancy updates and also from Anna over at The Style Diet. Thanks ladies, I always enjoyed reading your updates!

Thank you so much for reading


Sunday, March 10, 2013

A bit of a late 25 weeks Twin Pregnancy Update

Watch my 25 Week Pregnancy Vlog here!

I wish I had been updating on here sooner but if you wish to see updates prior to 24 weeks I have been uploading almost weekly updates in my YouTube Channel from 6 weeks to date.

How far along? 25 weeks! (As at Wednesday 6th March)

Total weight gain/measurements: I don't have any scales at home so haven't weighed myself since my last update but when I do I will be sure to update on here.

Measurements: I don't know what my waist measurement was pre pregnancy and I am kicking myself for not measuring from the beginning but here is what I have:
17 weeks 5 days: 38.2 inches
20 weeks: 39 inches
21 weeks: 40 inches
24 weeks: 41 inches
25 weeks: 41.5 inches

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

24 Weeks today! My Twin Pregnancy update

Watch my 24 Week Pregnancy Vlog here!

I wish I had been updating on here sooner but if you wish to see updates until now, I have been uploading almost weekly updates in my YouTube Channel from 6 weeks to date.

How far along? 24 weeks! I didn't know this was a pretty big milestone until yesterday when a friend on Twitter told me that by 24 weeks if the babies come this early their survival rate goes up (I believe around a 40% chance of survival). Obviously I want them to stay in my tum as long as possible but I found that quite reassuring so thanks Nicola!

Total weight gain/measurements: the only time I have been weighed was at my 9 week midwife appointment when I was 63kg, today weighed at doctors for first time and I'm 71kg. Don't know if thats good or bad for twins??

Measurements: I don't know what my waist measurement was pre pregnancy and I am kicking myself for not measuring from the beginning but here is what I have:
17 weeks 5 days: 38.2 inches
20 weeks: 39 inches
21 weeks: 40 inches
24 weeks: 41 inches

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

IVF ICSI Cycle 3: my personal notes from Stimms to 24 weeks pregnant with twins

A lot of people contact me asking what my symptoms have been at different stages from during IVF cycle to any stage in my pregnancy. I thought I would share my unedited notes with you that I have kept along the way on my phone.
Obviously this is just what I experienced and will not be the same for everyone.

Day 5 of gonal f scan
4 follicles on left 6 on right between about 6 and 9 ish mm

Day 9 gonal scan
10 follicles in total between 10 -14mm

Day 12 scan
Left follicle sizes: 20,19,18,16,14, 13,10,9
Right follicle sizes: 20,17,16,16,16, 10

Day 14 Egg Collection
17 eggs!

1 day after collection
12 have fertilised!!! Thank you God! Xx

Monday, February 25, 2013

Catching up and Outcome of IVF ICSI Cycle 3

I'm so sorrry its been so long! Almost 6 months exactly.
I have been making regular videos for my YouTube channel to keep those interested updated but I have been incredibly slack with my blogging and want to get back into again.
Incase you don't follow my YouTube or Twitter and are not up to date here was my announcement of the outcome of my 3rd IVF ICSI cycle: