Wednesday, February 27, 2013

24 Weeks today! My Twin Pregnancy update

Watch my 24 Week Pregnancy Vlog here!

I wish I had been updating on here sooner but if you wish to see updates until now, I have been uploading almost weekly updates in my YouTube Channel from 6 weeks to date.

How far along? 24 weeks! I didn't know this was a pretty big milestone until yesterday when a friend on Twitter told me that by 24 weeks if the babies come this early their survival rate goes up (I believe around a 40% chance of survival). Obviously I want them to stay in my tum as long as possible but I found that quite reassuring so thanks Nicola!

Total weight gain/measurements: the only time I have been weighed was at my 9 week midwife appointment when I was 63kg, today weighed at doctors for first time and I'm 71kg. Don't know if thats good or bad for twins??

Measurements: I don't know what my waist measurement was pre pregnancy and I am kicking myself for not measuring from the beginning but here is what I have:
17 weeks 5 days: 38.2 inches
20 weeks: 39 inches
21 weeks: 40 inches
24 weeks: 41 inches

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

IVF ICSI Cycle 3: my personal notes from Stimms to 24 weeks pregnant with twins

A lot of people contact me asking what my symptoms have been at different stages from during IVF cycle to any stage in my pregnancy. I thought I would share my unedited notes with you that I have kept along the way on my phone.
Obviously this is just what I experienced and will not be the same for everyone.

Day 5 of gonal f scan
4 follicles on left 6 on right between about 6 and 9 ish mm

Day 9 gonal scan
10 follicles in total between 10 -14mm

Day 12 scan
Left follicle sizes: 20,19,18,16,14, 13,10,9
Right follicle sizes: 20,17,16,16,16, 10

Day 14 Egg Collection
17 eggs!

1 day after collection
12 have fertilised!!! Thank you God! Xx

Monday, February 25, 2013

Catching up and Outcome of IVF ICSI Cycle 3

I'm so sorrry its been so long! Almost 6 months exactly.
I have been making regular videos for my YouTube channel to keep those interested updated but I have been incredibly slack with my blogging and want to get back into again.
Incase you don't follow my YouTube or Twitter and are not up to date here was my announcement of the outcome of my 3rd IVF ICSI cycle: