Monday, January 27, 2014

Stock Pot Beef Goulash

I have been making this for probably about 10 years, it's a warming comfort food winter dish vibe and always makes me feel full and cosy. It's real comfort food. We like to have it with some yummy crusty bread and butter

We try to make all our meals baby friendly as we generally give Gracie and Alfie bits of what we eat. They are not keen on this though as they are not fond of potato and I think the tomatoiness (that's a word right?) of the stew is a bit rich for them. You could give this to your baby either puréed or as is though I would recommend using a low salt stock or making your own.

Again, in the interest of time management and efficiency I always make a large batch of this so that I can freeze some for another nights dinner the following week or so. I probably make
enough for 4 grown men (oops!). I only put in the amount of potatoes I want for that nights dinner so say just enough for Andy and I as I find the potatoes don't freeze well. I will just boil or mash some more potatoes when we come to eat the batch I have frozen.

You could also make this on the hob or in a casserole dish in the oven.

I should mention as I have said before I'm not exactly a stickler for measurements and I have come to know roughly what I can chuck in and what I can't eek.

We are having it tonight and I can't wait!

Let me know if you try it and what you think.

So for a big ole batch you will need roughly:
(half if you just want to make for 2 hungry people and not freeze any)
- diced lean beef 800g
- 1 large red pepper
- an onion (sometimes I do it without onion, in these pics I used onion)
- Potatoes ( I generally work on maybe 4 small potatoes per person)
- tub of mushrooms (we like chestnut)
- 3-4 cloves of crushed garlic
- about 1tbsp of paprika
- 2 tins of chopped tomatoes
- your beef stock with approx a pint of water (best to add the water slowly and top up where need to rather than have it too watery
- cornflour for thickening

1. If I have time I will brown the beef first in a pan. Mostly I just chuck it in the stockpot.
2. Chuck in everything except the potatoes and cornflour
3. Leave in stockpot on high for approx 5 hours (or low for longer if you need to)
4. add the potatoes an hour or so before you intend to eat (so they don't go to mushy)
5. mix the cornflour in usual way with some cold water to form a paste and add until your goulash is at your desired thickness
6. Dunk in some crusty buttered bread and enjoy.....

Oh man I'm hungry now........

Love Chele

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